type variable - definition. What is type variable
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Type variable         
In type theory and programming languages, a type variable is a mathematical variable ranging over types. Even in programming languages that allow mutable variables, a type variable remains an abstraction, in the sense that it does not correspond to some memory locations.
Variable (computer science)         
Program variable; Scalar variable; Variable scope; Simple variable; Variable (computing); Variable (programming); Variable lifetime; Scope and extent; Variable scope and extent; Variable extent; Variable (computer programming); Storage location; Assignable variable
In computer programming, a variable is an abstract storage location paired with an associated symbolic name, which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value; or in simpler terms, a variable is a named container for a particular set of bits or type of data (like integer, float, string etc...).
environment variable         
%SystemRoot%; %SystemDrive%; C:\WINDOWS; Environment variables; Env var; LC ALL; Environment (computing); Shell variable; Printenv; AppData; Environmental variable; %SYSTEMROOT%; $HOME; System variable; LD LIBRARY PATH; LIBPATH; LIBPATH (AIX); PROMPT (environment variable); Master environment; Pre-environment; Reserved environment variable; Master environment variable; Local environment variable; Local environment (computing); Local environment (DOS); Master environment (DOS); Pre-environment variable; Environment segment; Environment segment (computing); Environment segment (DOS); %APPEND%; %CONFIG%; %CMDLINE%; %COMSPEC%; %COPYCMD%; %DIRCMD%; %LANG%; %LANGSPEC%; %NO SEP%; %PATH%; %PROMPT%; %TEMP%; %TMP%; System environment; System environment (computing); System environment (DOS); System information variable; System information variable (computing); System information variable (DOS); $CLS (environment variable); Pseudo-environment variable; Unix environment variable; DOS environment variable; GEM environment variable; OS/2 environment variable; Windows environment variable; DOS pseudo-environment variable; Windows pseudo-environment variable; Dynamic environment variable; Dynamic environment variable (Microsoft); Dynamic environment variable (Windows); Dynamic environment variable (CMD); Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND.COM); Dynamic environment variable (DOS); System info variable; System information variable (COMMAND.COM); DOS system information variable; DOS system info variable; Internal variable (4DOS); Internal variable (4OS2); Internal variable (4NT); Internal variable (JP Software); 4DOS internal variable; 4OS2 internal variable; 4NT internal variable; 4DOS variable function; 4OS2 variable function; 4NT variable function; Variable function (4DOS); Variable function (4OS2); Variable function (4NT); Variable function (JP Software); JP Software variable function; JP Software internal variable; Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND); System information variable (COMMAND); DR-DOS system information variable; Novell DOS system information variable; Novell system information variable; OpenDOS system information variable; Caldera system information variable; RETURN (DOS command); %DRDOSCFG%; %NWDOSCFG%; %OPENDOSCFG%; %DRCOMSPEC%; %DRSYS%; %HOMEDIR%; %CMDCMDLINE%; %CMDEXTVERSION%; %RANDOM%; %TIME%; %SWITCHAR%; %PEXEC%; %OS%; %NOSOUND%; %NOCHAR%; %LOGINNAME%; %INFO%; %$DIR%; %$PAGE%; %$LENGTH%; %$WIDTH%; %VER%; %YESCHAR%; %$CLS%; %TASKMGRWINDIR%; %$SLICE%; %$ON%; %$OFF%; %$HEADER%; %$FOOTER%; %ERRORLEVEL%; %ERRORLVL%; %HOUR%; %HOUR24%; %MINUTE%; %MONTH%; %SECOND%; %YEAR%; %/%; %STATION%; %MDOS EXEC%; %AM PM%; %GREETING TIME%; %MONTH NAME%; %NDAY OF WEEK%; %OS VERSION%; %SHORT YEAR%; %LOGIN NAME%; %P STATION%; %FULL NAME%; % YEAR%; % CODEPAGE%; % COLUMNS%; % COUNTRY%; % DAY%; % HOUR%; % MINUTE%; % MONTH%; % ROWS%; % SECOND%; MS-DOS environment; FBP USER (environment variable); FBP USER; BEGINLIBPATH (environment variable); BEGINLIBPATH; ENDLIBPATH (environment variable); ENDLIBPATH; Unset (Unix); C\WINDOWS; System variables; CD (pseudo-environment variable); %DIRSIZE%; %NEWFILE%; %COMM%; %HTTP DIR%; %HOSTNAME%; %FTPDIR%; %TZ%; %SOCKETS%; %LIBPATH%; LIBPATH (environment variable); Windir (Windows environment variable); Windir (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (Windows environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA; ProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles (environment variable); ProgramFiles; ProgramFiles(x86) (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86) (environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86); ProgramW6432; ProgramW6432 (environment variable); ProgramW6432 (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles; CommonProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles (environment variable); SystemDrive (Windows environment variable); SystemDrive (environment variable); SystemDrive; SystemRoot; SystemRoot (environment variable); SystemRoot (Windows environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE (environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE; ALLUSERSPROFILE (Windows environment variable); PROGRAMDATA (environment variable); PROGRAMDATA; PROGRAMDATA (Windows environment variable); USERDOMAIN (environment variable); USERDOMAIN; USERDOMAIN (Windows environment variable); USERPROFILE (environment variable); USERPROFILE; USERPROFILE (Windows environment variable); APPDATA (environment variable); APPDATA; APPDATA (Windows environment variable); %APPDATA%; %LOCALAPPDATA%; %ProgramFiles%; %ProgramFiles(x86)%; %ProgramW6432%; %CommonProgramFiles%; %ALLUSERSPROFILE%; %PROGRAMDATA%; %USERDOMAIN%; %USERPROFILE%; %windir%; CMDLINE (environment variable); CONFIG (environment variable); $LD LIBRARY PATH; %HOMEDRIVE%; %HOMEPATH%; Setenv; Unsetenv; Environment string
<programming, operating system> A variable that is bound in the current environment. When evaluating an expression in some environment, the evaluation of a variable consists of looking up its name in the environment and substituting its value. Most programming languages have some concept of an environment but in Unix shell scripts it has a specific meaning slightly different from other contexts. In shell scripts, environment variables are one kind of shell variable. They differ from local variables and command line arguments in that they are inheritted by a child process. Examples are the PATH variable that tells the shell the file system paths to search to find command executables and the TZ variable which contains the local time zone. The variable called "SHELL" specifies the type of shell being used. These variables are used by commands or shell scripts to discover things about the environment they are operating in. Environment variables can be changed or created by the user or a program. To see a list of environment variables type "setenv" at the csh or tcsh prompt or "set" at the sh, bash, jsh or ksh prompt. In other programming languages, e.g. functional programming languages, the environment is extended with new bindings when a function's parameters are bound to its {actual arguments} or when new variables are declared. In a block-structured procedural language, the environment usually consists of a linked list of activation records. (1999-01-26)
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
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